Bitget Deal Code

Get the maximum possible kickback, and the lowest trading fees available on Bitget.

A Big Shoutout to Our Sponsor: Bitget!

This website is brought to you in part by Bitget, the platform I’m using to document one of my crypto trading journeys in public.

Here’s the exciting part: In February 2024 (ten months ago) I stared personally leveraging my AltSeason CoPilot Pro Crypto Alerts through the Bitget copy-trading platform.

This means that my exact trades, step by step, are shared in real-time. I have a before and after ROI screenshot of the live Bitget Copy Trade account below.

If you would like to explore some of the copy trading options on Bitget, I invite you to use my referral link:

Why should you use my referral link?

It’s simple.

I’ve set it up so you get the maximum possible kickback, giving you the lowest trading fees available on Bitget. It’s my way of ensuring you benefit as much as possible while joining me in this trading adventure.

The special referral link is below—don’t miss out on this opportunity to trade smarter on Bitget.

New to Bitget?

Look for their special sign up offerings. They change frequently, but at the time of this writing, Bitget was offering a pretty amazing welcome!

How it all started.

Back in September of 2023 I wrote an article detailing how I found $352 in free money inside my Bitget account as a result of referral earnings.

How I Made $352 USDT For Free

And I explained that I was going to use the trading system that I used when I made $533,834 profits in 2017

Screenshot of my trading accounts from 2015 to 2018 (by author)

It’s great to see old screenshots. But I want to to prove the system works now just as well as it did then.

The system will work for you just as well as it does for me. The system will work as well tomorrow as it has in the past.

So I took that $352, followed our plan, and here are the results.

Feb 2024 through till November 28/24 – copy trading ROI on closed trades. (screenshot by author)

After ten months, and 144 orders, the Return on Investment for closed trades is 262.01%

Pretty sweet!

Even more amazing, the referral earnings that brought in the first $352… well, they have continued to grow.

That’s an entire story of Bitcoin passive income from writing that I am so excited to share!

But here’s the spoiler!

Over 1343% gain
From $352 to $5169 in less than a year. ZERO money invested.(screenshot by author)

The trading profits and the referral earning income have really started to beef up this example account!

I am honored to demonstrate the same trading and passive-income earning ideas can work with a small account!

I’m so excited to see what is coming!

I am happy to feature the Bitget Deal for my followers.

Every percentage we can put into our favor is an advantage that we can compound!

Flux ai image of author

This article and this website contains ai generated research and referral links for some of my absolute favorite business tools for content creators and crypto enthusiasts.

If you purchase one of my favorite software tools, I will receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.